List of Games List by Image - Super Nintendo Entertainment System
For the library of games released exclusively on the Super Famicom in Japan, click here.
3 Ninjas Kick Back |
AAAHH!!! Real Monsters |
ActRaiser 2 |
Addams Family |
Addams Family II |
The Adventures of Dr. Franken |
The Adventures of Kid Kleets |
Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle |
The Adventures of Yogi Bear |
Aero the Acro-Bat |
Aero the Acro-Bat 2 |
Aladdin |
Alien 3 |
American Tail: Fieval Goes West |
Animaniacs |
Ardy Lightfoot |
Beauty and the Beast |
Beethoven's 2nd |
Blackthorne |
Blues Brothers |
Bobby's World |
Bonkers |
Boogerman |
Bram Stoker's Dracula |
Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus |
Bubsy |
Bubsy II |
Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Rampage |
Captain Novolin |
Castlevania - Dracula X |
Chester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool |
Chester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest |
Chuck Rock |
Claymates |
Congo's Caper |
Cool Spot |
Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions |
Demon's Crest |
Dennis the Menace |
Dino City |
Donkey Kong Country |
Donkey Kong Country 2 |
Donkey Kong Country 3 |
Dragon's Lair |
Dream TV |
Earthworm Jim |
Earthworm Jim 2 |
Eek! The Cat |
Family Dog |
First Samurai |
Flashback: The Quest for Identity |
The Flintstones |
Flintstones: Sierra Madrock |
Gods |
The Great Circus Mystery |
Harley's Humongous Adventure |
Home Improvement |
Hook |
The Hurricanes |
Incantation |
The Incredible Hulk |
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventure |
Inspector Gadget |
The Itchy and Scratchy Game |
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings |
The Jetsons |
Joe & Mac |
Joe & Mac 2 |
Judge Dredd |
Jungle Book |
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase |
Kirby Superstar |
Kirby's Dream Land 3 |
Lester the Unlikely |
The Lion King |
Magic Boy |
Magical Quest Starring Mickey |
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow |
Mega Man VII |
Mega Man X |
Mega Man X2 |
Mega Man X3 |
Metal Morph |
Michael Jordan: Chaos in Windy City |
Mickey Mania |
Mighty Max |
Mr. Nutz |
No Escape |
Nosferatu |
Oscar |
Out of This World |
Out to Lunch |
Pac-In-Time |
Packy & Marlon |
Pagemaster |
Pinocchio |
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure |
Plok |
Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday |
Power Piggs of the Dark Age |
Prehistorik Man |
Prince of Persia |
Prince of Persia 2 |
Realm |
The Ren & Stimpy Show Buckaroo$! |
The Ren & Stimpy Show Fire Dogs |
Road Runner's Death Valley Rally |
Robocop Versus The Terminator |
Rocko's Modern Life |
Sink or Swim |
Skuljagger: Revolt of the Westicans |
Sky Blazer |
Sparkster |
Speedy Gonzales |
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine |
Stargate |
Super Adventure Island |
Super Adventure Island II |
Super Alfred Chicken |
Super Bonk |
Super Bonk |
Super James Pond |
Super Mario All-Stars |
Super Mario World |
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island |
Super Metroid |
Super Putty |
Super Star Wars |
Super Star Wars 2 |
Super Star Wars 3 |
Super Troll Islands |
Super Widget |
Time Slip |
Time Trax |
Timecop |
Tiny Toons: Buster Busts Loose |
Tom & Jerry |
Toy Story |
Virtual Bart |
Wayne's World |
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story |
Wolfchild |
X-Kaliber 2097 |
Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel |
Zool |
Addams Family Values |
Barbie Vacation Adventure |
Big Sky Trooper |
Equinox |
King Arthur & the Knights of Justice |
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja |
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past |
Obitus |
Scooby-Doo Mystery |
The Wizard of Oz |
The Adventures of Batman & Robin |
Arcade's Greatest Hits |
Arkanoid |
Batman - Revenge of the Joker |
Battle Clash |
Bazooka Blitzkrieg |
Beavis and Butt-head |
Carrier Aces |
Casper |
Cool World |
Demolition Man |
Doom |
Faceball 2000 |
Firestriker |
Frantic Flea |
Frogger |
Fun 'N Games |
Hagane: The Final Conflict |
Home Alone |
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York |
The Hunt for Red October |
HyperZone |
Ignition Factor |
The Incredible Crash Dummies |
James Bond Jr. |
Jurassic Park |
Jurassic Park 2 |
Kendo Rage |
Last Action Hero |
The Lawnmower Man |
Lethal Enforcers |
Lethal Weapon |
Lock On |
M.A.C.S Basic Rifle Marksmanship |
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein |
The Mask |
Mechwarrior |
Metal Combat |
MoHawk & Headphone Jack |
Mr. Do! |
Ms. Pac-Man |
Musya |
Nickelodeon GUTS |
On the Ball |
Operation Thunderbolt |
Outlander |
Paperboy 2 |
Phantom 2040 |
Pinball Dreams |
Pinball Fantasies |
Pink Goes to Hollywood |
Radical Rex |
Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp |
The Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots! |
Revolution X |
Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon |
Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon |
The Rocketeer |
Rocky Rodent |
Run Saber |
Shien's Revenge |
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare |
Smart Ball |
Snow White: Happily Ever After |
Space Ace |
Space Football: One on One |
Space Invaders |
Spanky's Quest |
Spectre |
Spider-Man |
Spider-Man & the X-Men |
Star Fox |
Steel Talons |
Super Aquatic Games |
Super Battletank |
Super Battletank 2 |
Super Bomberman |
Super Bomberman 2 |
Super Buster Bros. |
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts |
Super Godzilla |
Super Pinball |
Super Scope 6 |
Super Strike Eagle |
Super Turrican |
Super Turrican 2 |
Super Valis IV |
SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron |
T2: The Arcade Game |
Taz-Mania |
The Terminator |
Terminator 2: Judgment Day |
Thomas the Tank Engine |
Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games |
Tin Star |
Tiny Toons: Wacky Sports Challenge |
Toys |
Turn and Burn: No Fly Zone |
Untouchables |
Vortex |
Warlock |
WarpSpeed |
Whizz |
Wild Guns |
Wing Commander |
Wings 2: Aces High |
Wolfenstein 3D |
Wolverine: Adamantium Rage |
Xardion |
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse |
X-Zone |
Yoshi's Safari |
Alien vs. Predator |
Batman Forever |
Batman Returns |
Battletoads & Double Dragon |
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs |
Bebe's Kids |
Brawl Brothers |
Captain America and the Avengers |
Captain Commando |
Cliffhanger |
The Combatribes |
Cutthroat Island |
Death and Return of Superman |
Final Fight |
Final Fight 2 |
Final Fight 3 |
Final Fight Guy |
Jim Lee's Wild C.A.T.S. |
King of Dragons |
Knights of the Round |
Legend |
Magic Sword |
Marvel Super Heroes |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers |
Power Rangers - The Movie |
Ninja Warriors |
The Peace Keepers |
Pirates of Dark Water |
Rival Turf |
The Shadow |
Sonic Blast Man |
Sonic Blast Man II |
Spawn |
Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage |
Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety |
Stone Protectors |
Super Double Dragon |
TMNT IV: Turtles in Time |
The Tick |
Ultimate Fighter |
Art of Fighting |
Ballz 3D |
Battle Blaze |
Best of the Best |
Brutal - Paws of Fury |
Clayfighter |
Clayfighter II - Judgment Day |
Doomsday Warrior |
Double Dragon V |
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story |
Fatal Fury: King of Fighters |
Fatal Fury 2 |
Fatal Fury Special |
Fighter's History |
Justice League Task Force |
Killer Instinct |
King of the Monsters |
King of the Monsters 2 |
Power Rangers Fighting Edition |
Mortal Kombat |
Mortal Kombat II |
Mortal Kombat 3 |
Pit Fighter |
Power Instinct |
Power Moves |
Primal Rage |
Ranma 1/2: Hard Battle |
Samurai Shodown |
Saturday Night Slam Masters |
Shaq Fu |
Street Combat |
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior |
Street Fighter II Turbo |
Street Fighter Alpha 2 |
Super Street Fighter II |
TMNT: Tournament Fighters |
TKO Super Championship Boxing |
Tuff E Nuff |
Ultraman: Towards the Future |
WCW SuperBrawl Wrestling |
Weaponlord |
World Heroes |
World Heroes 2 |
WWF Raw |
WWF Royal Rumble |
WWF Super Wrestlemania |
WWF Wrestlemania |
Brainies |
BreakThru! |
Bust-A-Move |
Cacoma Knight in Bizyland |
Goof Troop |
The Great Waldo Search |
Kablooey |
Kirby's Avalanche |
Kirby's Dream Course |
Krusty's Super Fun House |
Lemmings |
Lemmings 2 |
The Lost Vikings |
The Lost Vikings 2 |
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge |
Pac-Attack |
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures |
Pieces |
Pushover |
Q*bert 3 |
Spindizzy Worlds |
Tetris & Dr. Mario |
Tetris 2 |
Tetris Attack |
Troddlers |
Wario's Woods |
Wildsnake |
Wordtris |
Yoshi's Cookie |
Zoop |
Battle Cars |
Road to the Top |
Battle Grand Prix |
Biker Mice From Mars |
Cannondale Cup |
Cyber Spin |
Dirt Trax FX |
The Duel: Test Drive 2 |
ESPN Speedworld |
F-Zero |
F1 Pole Position |
F1 Race of Champions |
F1 Race of Champions II |
Full Throttle Racing |
GP-1 |
GP-1: Part 2 |
Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge |
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge |
Lamborghini American Challenge |
Michael Andretti Indy Car Challenge |
Micro Machines |
Mountain Bike Rally |
Newman/Haas IndyCar |
No Fear Racing |
Power Rangers Zeo: Battle Racers |
Race Drivin' |
Redline F-1 Racer |
Road Riot 4WD |
Rock n' Roll Racing |
RPM Racing |
Speed Racer |
Street Racer |
Stunt Race FX |
Super Chase HQ |
Super Mario Kart |
Super Off Road |
Super Off Road: The Baja |
Suzuka 8 Hours |
Top Gear |
Top Gear 2 |
Top Gear 3000 |
Uniracers |
World Championship Racing |
7th Saga |
Arcana |
Brain Lord |
Eye of the Beholder |
Brandish |
Breath of fire |
Breath of Fire II |
Chrono Trigger |
Dragon View |
Drakkhen |
Dungeon Master |
E.V.O.: The Search for Eden |
Earthbound |
Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest |
Inindo - Way of the Ninja |
The Lord of the Rings, Vol. 1 |
Lagoon |
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom |
Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals |
Might and Magic III |
Paladin's Quest |
Robotrek |
Secret of Evermore |
Secret of the Stars |
Shadowrun |
Soul Blazer |
Super Mario RPG |
Super Ninja Boy |
The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang |
Ultima: Runes of Virtue |
Ultima VI: The False Prophet |
Ultima VII: The Black Gate |
Wizardy V: Heart of the Maelstrom |
Young Merlin |
Ys III: Wanderers from Ys |
B.O.B. |
Contra III - The Alien Wars |
Cybernator |
Doom Troopers |
Ghoul Patrol |
Gunforce |
Jim Power- The Lost Dimension |
Mechwarrior 3050 |
Metal Warriors |
Operation Logic Bomb |
Soldiers of Fortune |
Sunset Riders |
Super Smash T.V. |
Total Carnage |
True Lies |
Zombies Ate My Neighbors |
A.S.P. Airstrike Control |
Aero Fighters |
Air Cavalry |
Axelay |
Bio Metal |
Blazeon |
Choplifter III |
Darius Twin |
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf |
D-Force |
Earth Defense Force |
Firepower 2000 |
Gradius III |
Imperium |
Jungle Strike |
Phalanx |
Pocky & Rocky |
Pocky & Rocky 2 |
Raiden Trad |
R-Type III: The Third Lightning |
Space Megaforce |
Strike Gunner |
Super Earth Defense Force |
Super Nova |
Super R-Type |
Thunder Spirits |
U.N. Squadron |
Urban Strike |
ABC Monday Night Football |
American Gladiators |
Andre Agassi Tennis |
Barkley Shut Up and Jam! |
Bass Masters Classic |
Bass Tournament USA |
Bassin's Black Bass |
Big Hurt Baseball |
Boxing Legends of the Ring |
Brett Hull Hockey |
Brett Hull Hockey '95 |
Brunswick World Tournament |
Bulls VS Blazers |
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball |
California Games II |
Capcom's MVP Football |
Capcom's Soccer Shootout |
Champions World Class Soccer |
Championship Pool |
Championship Soccer '94 |
College Football |
College Slam |
Combat Basketball |
David Crane's Amazing Tennis |
Dig & Spike Volleyball |
Emmitt Smith Football |
ESPN Baseball Tonight |
ESPN National Hockey Night |
ESPN Sunday Night NFL |
Extra Innings |
FIFA International Soccer |
FIFA Soccer 96 |
FIFA 97: Gold Edition |
The Fishing Master |
Football Fury |
Foreman For Real |
George Foreman's KO Boxing |
HAL's Hole in One Golf |
Hammerlock Wrestling |
Hardball III |
Head-On Soccer |
Hit the Ice |
Hyper V-Ball |
International Superstar Soccer |
International Tennis Tour |
Irem Skins Game |
Jack Nicklaus Golf |
Jammit |
Jimmy Connors Pro Tour |
John Madden Football |
John Madden Football '93 |
Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball |
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run |
Looney Tunes B-Ball |
Madden NFL '94 |
Mecarobot Golf |
Mega Man Soccer |
MLBPA Baseball |
Natsume Championship Wrestling |
NBA All-Star Challenge |
NBA Give 'N Go |
NBA Hangtime |
NBA Jam |
NBA Live '95 |
NBA Showdown |
NCAA Basketball |
NCAA Final Four Basketball |
NCAA Football |
NFL Football |
NFL Quarterback Club |
NFL Quarterback Club '96 |
NHL '94 |
NHL '98 |
NHL Stanley Cup |
NHLPA Hockey '93 |
Nolan Ryan's Baseball |
Olympic Summer Games |
Pebble Beach Golf Links |
PGA European Tour |
PGA Tour '96 |
PGA Tour Golf |
Pro Quarterback |
Pro Sport Hockey |
Rap Jam |
Relief Pitcher |
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball |
Side Pocket |
Sidekick Soccer |
The Sporting News: Power Baseball |
Sports Illustrated Football & Baseball |
Sterling Sharpe: End 2 End |
Street Hockey '95 |
Super Baseball 2020 |
Super Baseball Sumulator 1.000 |
Super Bases Loaded |
Super Bases Loaded 2 |
Super Bases Loaded 3 |
Super Batter Up |
Super Black Bass |
Super Bowling |
Super Goal! |
Super Goal! 2 |
Super High Impact |
Super Play Action Football |
Super Punch Out!! |
Super R.B.I. Baseball |
Super Slapshot |
Super Slam Dunk |
Super Soccer |
Super Soccer Champ |
Super Tennis |
Tecmo Super Baseball |
Tecmo Super Bowl |
Tecmo Super Bowl II |
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball |
TNN Bass Tournament |
Tommy Moe's Winter Extreme |
Troy Aikman NFL Football |
True Golf Classics: Wicked 18 |
Virtual Soccer |
Waialae Country Club |
Wayne Gretzky NHLPA All-Stars |
Winter Olympic Games |
World Cup USA '94 |
World League Soccer |
World Soccer '94: Road to Glory |
ActRaiser |
Aerobiz |
Aerobiz Supersonic |
Barbie Super Model |
Chessmaster |
Civilization |
Clue |
Family Feud |
Gemfire |
Genghis Khan II |
Harvest Moon |
Jeopardy! |
King Arthur's World |
Liberty or Death |
Mario is Missing |
Mario Paint |
Mario Early Years: Fun with Letters |
Mario Early Years: Fun with Numbers |
Mario Early Years: Preschool Fun |
Mario's Time Machine |
Mario's Time Machine |
Metal Marines |
Miracle Piano |
Monopoly |
Nobunaga's Ambition |
Nobunaga's Ambition 2 |
Ogre Battle |
Operation Europe: Path to Victory |
Pacific Theater of Operations |
Pacific Theater of Operations II |
Pilotwings |
Polulous |
Rampart |
Rise of the Phoenix |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV |
SeaQuest DSV |
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye |
Sim Ant |
Sim City |
Sim City 2000 |
Sim Earth: the Living Planet |
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy |
Star Trek: The Next Generation |
Super Battleship |
Super Caesar's Palace |
Super Conflict |
Super Solitaire |
Syndicate |
Uncharted Waters |
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons |
Utopia: The Creation of a Nation |
Vegas Stakes |
War 2410 |
War 3010 |
Wheel of Fortune |
Where in the World is Carmen S.? |
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? |